Our Verso Connection

You may have had many contacts recently to discuss the acquisition of your business but we believe that Verso can offer you a sound, stable opportunity. They have demonstrated a very successful track record in current market conditions.

The Verso Process

With Verso;
You would retain your name and office and there is no intention of making staff redundancies
Your charging structure would be unchanged
You would experience very little interference in the running of the business as you would have a high degree of autonomy and minimum intervention
The offer is all cash, payable over 2/3 years and is based on maintainable ebitda, as agreed with you
Have no interference with your existing investment policy
Have proven in house technology, called Munnypot which offers digital solutions to support the advice process and the advisers. Several million pounds have already been invested in the development of this technology
Be working with individual who have a very strong track record and understanding of the IFA market. The group is led by Simon Redgrove and Andy Fay who founded Cavanagh
Be working with funders in Cairngorm Capital who again have an extensive understanding of the IFA market.
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About Bellwether Marketing

In the last 20 years, Bellwether has worked with more than 450 IFA firms, Discretionary Fund Managers, Wealth Managers, Service providers and Networks.

We have helped these businesses grow by advising them on back – office systems and efficiencies, investment processes and business funding as well as Provider relations and eventual exit strategies.

We have a long track record of advising the IFA of potential solutions to resolve the issues being faced by them and their clients, and this has led naturally to Bellwether Marketing being well position to recommend exit strategies, prepare businesses for acquisition and to find the most suitable acquirer.

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